Hi there! We're Will and Mischa, two British guys who taught ourselves to speak fluent Chinese in our spare time while living in the UK.
We reached fluency as adults, alongside full-time work and study commitments. In doing so, we uncovered a set of techniques and principles that will enable anyone, anywhere to teach themselves fluent Mandarin.
Now, we've condensed all our experience into a series of five online Masterclasses, teaching you how to apply our proven techniques and overcome the biggest challenges on your journey to the peak of fluency.
Our Masterclasses are designed for learners who've had some previous exposure to Mandarin but are unsure how to improve their speaking skills. We'll empower you with the tools to nail all aspects of spoken Chinese.
When you sign up for a Masterclass, you'll get access to a step-by-step online program to complete at your convenience. We'll show you how to master tones, acquire native-like grammar through sentence mining, and train yourself to think like a native Chinese speaker.
Each Masterclass contains video, text, and image presentations in English, along with native Chinese audio clips, giving you all the techniques you need to take your spoken Mandarin to the peak of excellence.
Will Hart is a medical student based in the UK. He began self-studying Mandarin during lockdown in 2020. 18 months later, Will won the prestigious UK Chinese Bridge speaking competition. He runs a YouTube channel sharing tips and documenting his incredible language learning journey
Mischa Wilmers is a writer and educator from the UK. Mischa began learning Chinese while living and working in the UK in 2017. Shortly afterwards he founded ImLearningMandarin.com, documenting his progress from zero to fluency and interviewing world leading Chinese learning experts. Popular posts include your ultimate guide to the tones of the Chinese language and how long does it take to learn Mandarin in 2024
If you're studying Mandarin and are struggling with your speaking skills, our free newsletter will share exactly what you need to do to become fluent. ​Subscribe to the newsletter below and we'll also send you Mischa's eBook, Lessons from a Chinese Learning Phenomenon, explaining how we taught ourselves to speak fluent Chinese from outside Chinese-speaking countries. And how you can too!
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